Friends of Te Hihi School (FOTHS)
FOTHS is a voluntary parent group with its purpose being:
To support the home-school partnership by encouraging parents/caregivers to be involved in school activities and the education of their children.
To provide a link between parents/caregivers and the school.
To raise funds to provide improved facilities and educational opportunities for our school community.
To support the school to build and maintain links within the local community and share knowledge and resources i.e. with Ngāti Tamaoho
Any parent/caregiver, teacher or interested adult connected to the school may become a member of FOTHS.
FOTHS meets approximately every month in the school staffroom at 7:30 p.m.
The major focus for FOTHS is organising our annual Ag Day.
Meet the FOTHS Executive
Chair - Amie Best
Co-Secretaries - Natasha Rivai & Kelly Moore